3 Items on my Wishlist

    Okay, I know it's a little soon after Christmas to be talking about this BUT I currently have my eye on some super cute things and thought I might share!! So here's a short and sweet blog post for ya. 

First, these Aerie Plush Ribbed Cuff Joggers are literally to die for. I am a huge fan of being comfy yet still cute and these will definitely do it for ya. AND they are on sale, could they get any better?? I'm kinda digging these in Black or White. 
Product ImageImage for the product

Next, this Lululemon swiftly tech Short Sleeve Crew top is high up on my list. I have a long sleeve version in black and L O V E it !! However, I'm looking for a good tight fit top I can wear to dance or to work out in and this would be perfect. I would totally go grey in this top but they have many other colors that are super cute! 

Currently swooning over these adorable New Balance sneakers!! I couldn't tell you why I don't already have a pair but now I think I NEED them. They are just perfect for any look. 
New Balance 520, Steel with Nimbus Cloud

If you didn't notice, all three pieces would make the most perfect outfit, so if I'm going to buy one, might as well buy all three right?! I think even a Lulu or any fitted jacket would make this outfit combo 10x better. 

Current life update: School starts tomorrow and I have mixed feelings. I'm excited because we cheer at our first basketball game of the season, yet I'm still dreading the whole waking up early and being a real human. It's been so nice not worrying about a single thing for the last two weeks that I've pretty much accepted it as my new reality. However, it is not. Another thing I am excited about, it wearing all my new clothes to school!! Who's with me? On a positive note, I did end my first semester with all A's even with two AP classes and a foreign language. Currently prepping hard for the ACT next month; 35 here we come!!!!! If you have any good study tips PLEASE share. 


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