What I Ate [Tuesday Edition]

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all have had a great week so far!! Since it was MLK day yesterday, we didn’t have school. It was super relaxing and very needed. I rolled out of bed around nine, worked on the ACT, and got my chick fil a fix in too 😋  Now to the present 👇🏻👇🏻

Breakfast was a banana muffin (from snack lab of course!) with almond mutter & an iced coffee. I had bible study that morning, so I needed something quick to grab for breakfast! I knew a granola bar wouldn’t be very sustainable for me so I opted for a muffin! On days where I have time to sit down, I might have toast or maybe yogurt. If you know me, coffee is a must. So naturally, I do bible study at Starbucks!! Always a tall vanilla blonde latte iced for me :) 

Lunch was super simple. I packed a couple slices of deli turkey, a cheddar cheese stick, wheat thins, and an apple. These crackers are from target and they are the BEST. They are saltier than normal wheat thins and are so delicious.

On my way to ACT prep I had these cheddar crackers to hold me till dinner & to keep my mind focused !

Dinner was not so creative, but it was extra yummy. I dethawed one of my snack lab papusas, and topped it with salsa & slaw. I cut up some sweet Italian chicken sausage and browned that on the skillet. I like to dip it in Dijon mustard. I also added some baby carrots. I know it probably seems like I eat the same things over and over again lol, but I’m going to start trying to show you guys more variety!! Hopefully I will be able to start cooking again soon, and share some recipes with y’all!!! Comment any suggestions below 👇🏻👇🏻

Dessert of course was vanilla ice cream with crumbled brownie, in a hello kitty cup because why not 🤷🏼‍♀️ I used to feel like I was “bad” for wanting dessert after dinner; I thought I should be done eating after dinner even if I wasn’t satisfied. That let me to binge on things I wasn’t really hungry for. It wasn’t until I truly let myself have a real dessert, that I started to really feel satisfied. I eat dessert every night !!!! Not one bit of guilt or regret and definitely shouldn’t have to feel that way either. It is totally normal to want something sweet after dinner!


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